yep...our 14 month old oven...for the second time. The first time DH had to call and convince Maytag to replace the part for free...that part is a $250 part!!! eek! we went to sears and found a nice stove...wasn't a double you know how tiny the top one is???? :O but we got a cool one I think would work well. DH was upset because if we'd had known this, we'd have gotten everything else in another finish. *eyeroll* I'm happy with white appliances, as long as they work properly. Black and stainless steel are a lot in upkeep as well...and they even show smudges! Next time I told him we'll get satin nickel. LOL.
got something here to share:
got it done last night! I'm using the fabu kit i got!!! it was screaming at me all weekend long!!! LOL! this is also for category stories & I used this week's pencil lines sketch.
I am so thrilled that the photo went with the papers...i printed it out in color and had it put away for a while because I didn't know what to use with it. I checked to see how it looked as a B&W and it was tooo sweetie terror doesn't come up at all in that form.