Kiitoksia Oulu!

Just back after a super fun and once more magic gig:-) all of you who came made us feel wonderful and a very special thanks to all of you girls and boys who stood outside waiting for me when I was going back here to the hotel now. It's so cold outside and seeing all of you still being out there to meet us - it's hard to find words but kiitos from the bottom of my heart:-)

And one of you said something that made me so happy and proud. You said: I now accept you as the lead singer..,

No need to say more than that you made me very very happy:-)

I also got a gift that made me speachless! A handmade and hand painted guitar! This guy -Marko Pakanen- made this for me. It's just so beautiful and wonderful that I want to thank you, Marko, from the bottom of my heart. Kiitosia:-) Now sleep and tomorrow this happy girl flies home to hug my boys a little before next weekends gigs! Sleep well all of you! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone