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Kiitoksia Tampere:-)
Oh my, a Sunday gig but you all who came had so much energy and when you helped Marco in Islander I got shivers:-) you are truly so sweet and I want to thank especially all of you in the first rows who always come to our shows every single night, sitting outside for hours getting cold to get up there in the front line. I really want to say kiitoksia to you cause it's so helpful seeing your faces there:-) Now I'll go back home again a short trip cause my boys need me and I so miss them. But on Wednesday I'll fly over to St Petersburg and it will be so nice to see all of you who will be there. For now- Suomi tour is done and it has for all of us been a great tour and it's just the beginning of the tour still. Sleep well and once again: Kiitos and hyvää Suomi!

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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone