Mis Comidas Favoritas

My favorite foods.

Since you know (if you read yesterday's post) that I was out of commission this past week, I didn't get to post the heads up that a brand new challenge is up over at AAM Challenge.

This month's challenge is to scrap about your heritage. Both my parents were born elsewhere and then moved to New York. My dad's Puerto Rican, and my mom is Ecuadorian. I've never been to their native countries (though I am hoping to change that this year...we're going to Puerto Rico) I know just the basics, the town they were born in, the language they speak...SPANISH. They both had poor upbringing...my dad was raised on a farm and couldn't go to school because my grandparents needed the kids to work. My mom did go to school, but from what she recalls everyone around her was dirt poor. Both of my grandparents were hard workers.

So what on earth do I scrap about!!! My most favorite memories, of course, FOOD. LOL.

I've been blessed in the fact that my Grandmother and my daddy are amazing cooks. I can remember growing up, smelling their cooking and just salivating over the soups and stews my grandma would make. My dad made weekends extra special with little typical Puerto Rican dishes he'd make. I've got to say that I'm not surprised that my kids seem to love these dishes as well. I hope to teach my kids how to make them to pass this on.

wow, now I'm hungry....are you?