
I am back from my exercise with Lise and I had a feeling that she had planned chins for me today and I was right;=)

Last time I did them I couldnt do almost any and I begged to stop...haha! But today - ta-da!!!
Did tabatha intervalls which meant that I did chins for 20 seconds times 8 and this time I did 9 reps the first time, then 8 reps every single time except the 8th time when I did 7 reps!!!
What an improvement and I am so damn proud!!!!

Then after the chins I did the same tabatha intervalls with squats with a 16 kilo kettlebell and the last excercise was push ups. All these also 8 times 20 seconds. Hard!!

Stronger by every day! And I have exercised the whole tour so far and in Ukraine I ran 5 k´s the same day as the gig and I didnt even feel any tiredness during my gig.  Wonderful! Lise is the best;=)