I am sooo ready for the weekend....even if it means cleaning up after the tornados in my life!!!!!
well, a new BOM prompt is up at Allyscraps. we had to do it on faith.
here's mine:

it seems like I have gotten concieted in my scrapping and only scrapping about myself lately! SOOOO not my fault! I keep finding these challenge blogs and they're mainly AAM...I promise, my next LO's will be all about the terrors!
well...maybe 2 more AAM LO's and then the kids get the spotlight again. :D
well, did you guys see the final SYTYCD show???? it was packed full of stuff...I was glued to my seat for almost 2 hours! I am sooo glad Joshua won!
I told you guys about a new job, right? well, orientation starts next friday for me! this may be my last week to get scrappy stuff done.....I may not be able to fit too many LO's in anymore.