Happy Mail

Hello, there!

Today I got a package that I was long awaiting...and was getting a bit worried about.

 Can you guess what was in it?

If you guessed this:

You were correct! It's a layout that was published in the Jan. 2012  Scrapbook Trends magazine. I created this while I was on the DT for SFTIO. Oh how I miss that place! I did my best creating while on their team!!!  :)

Getting this little box reminded me of how much I miss scrapping. I really really do. I've been putting lots of my focus on getting healthier that I am forgetting a love. My love of creating and expression. Because that's what scrapping is to me, using the creativity my Creator has instilled in me (I think we ALL share this trait with Him) and this is a way of my expressing myself...letting out those feelings that tend to get bottled in. Hey, scrapping has been a form of therapy to me.

I'm thrilled....

and maybe looking forward to getting busy in that scrap room. who knows?