well what can I say?

I know, I've learned to accept this:

I won't be here blogging as much as I'd love to.

right now life has been busy with everything screaming at me to take top priority.
I haven't been chatting at message boards, I haven't been spending time in my scrappy corner. I haven't even been looking at scrappy things online.

BUT...and this is a huge BUT....I have been taking photos a lot more lately. No, not using my poor canon....(I miss you, too) but using my phone and my iPod.

Yes! I am hooked on INSTAGRAM! This app really knocks my socks off and is so convenient for me. I really have no excuses now not to get that photo snapped.

Here's a couple of pix:

Here's a couple taken on Easter:

I took many, many more, maybe even too many...LOL... You can follow me there, if you like. username: teenyterrors. ;)

There's a new prompt up over at AAM, I hope you play along, it's a good one.

do you have any plans for the upcoming weekend? We're having pretty weather here...so hopefully we'll spend it outdoors.

Have a spectacular weekend. :D