My Dear Red Roses,
I got to thinking lately, about how much I love you all, and how you honestly make my day every day, and how much it means to me that all of you are here and you take the time to look at my blog and read my posts and leave the sweetest comments and just generally do things that contribute to me being the absolute happiest girl alive.
To be honest, what spurred this thinking was a couple of negative comments that I got on a particular one of my reviews. I won't mention which, because I really don't want to direct more traffic to that post at the moment. However, it was really upsetting to me. I know I shouldn't take things like that personally, but it's really hard not to, and I'm not going to lie to you now or ever: I did cry.
And you guys are the ones that got me out of it. You supported me here and on Twitter, and that means the world to me.
So this is my love letter to you.
(I've never written any sort of love letter before in my life, so please bear with me, guys.)
You guys, my roses, make my day every single day. Every time I get a comment, even though it's gotten harder for me to take the time to reply, I smile and I read it and you guys are the absolute sweetest people on the face of the planet. Seriously.
Every day, I look forward to checking my email for the sole reason that I look forward to seeing what comments I've gotten. It never fails to thrill me and make me bubble up with excitement when I see that there are new ones.
Oh, and you guys are ridiculously supportive, but don't stop. Whenever I'm feeling down or upset or whatever, you're always there for me, no matter what I happen to be whining about, even if it is in no way relevant to books. Like true friends, you can make me laugh and smile even when I'm in the type of mood where I feel like I'll never be happy again.
I have literally made some of my closest friends through my blogging and networking, and you guys know who you are. I love and adore all of you.
And you all mean the world to me. Really, you do.
You guys are always here for me, make me feel better and to make me smile. Always. And it would be impossible for me not to love that, not to appreciate that the way I do.
There is a special place for each and every one of you in my heart, and I want you all to know that.
That is all.