Bullying must stop!

As you all know, I am against bullying, whether it´s between children, adults bullying children or adults bullying adults. I´ve been a victim of bullying myself, both as a child but also as an adult and I will never ever accept these acts!

Whenever I read about a child or an adult that has been bullied and taken their lives I get so damn angry  and frustrated, cause I know that being the bullied, is so hard to get out from. Some people just continuously follow you, even if you move to another city or school or working place, and continue horrassing you. Today, with internet where you can do it even easier, spread lies, say horrible things anonymously and so on, these things are harder to get away from.

A girl called Amanda Todd is just one of so many who didn't see any way out of this darkness and October 10th she ended her FAR to young life! 15 years old, not seeing any other way out from the hate than to end her life! It´s so tragical and we need to start seeing that these stories are not one but many! And its not only the persons bullying I get angry at, its the people standing by, not getting involved, saying: STOP! Why are you doing this? It´s not OK! Leave her/him alone!

These people, who stand watching these actions go on without doing anything, because they are afraid they will be the next one bullied or hated, if they act for the bullied person, are as bad as the bullies.

There´s something called courage and if you do not act against the bullies, you do not have any courage at all and is, in my eyes, a coward!

Amandas mother wants her video and story spread to make us aware of Amandas horrible story and I ask you all to look at this video and remember that it could be YOU or your child or a loved one, feeling just like this, in need of your help!