Waiting on Wednesday (30)

Well, hello there! It's Wednesday again at Sparkles and Lightning, and so it's time for another Waiting on Wednesday courtesy of Jill from Breaking the Spine. This is a fun weekly bookish meme that involves squeeing and occasionally happy dancing.

Well I'm really excited about my pick this week. The cover is gorgeous, and I'm highly anticipating it. Like, really highly.

Phoenix (Black City, #2)
Elizabeth Richards
Release Date: June 2013
The much anticipated second book in the enthralling Black City series
Engaged to be married, Ash and Natalie are just starting to build a life together, when things in the United Sentry States go from bad to worse. Ash and Natalie find themselves at the center of the turmoil when dictator Purian Rose threatens Natalie’s life unless Ash votes in favor of Rose’s law—a law that will send Darklings and other dissenters to a deadly concentration camp known as the Tenth.

Ash can’t bring himself to trade Natalie’s life for those of millions of Darklings. The only way to save everyone is to escape Black City and find the Ora, a powerful weapon that could take down Purian Rose for good. But fleeing the city and finding this weapon is easier said than done, if it even exists, and becomes a quest that could tear Ash and Natalie apart, even pushing them into the arms of others.

 I seriously want this book, like, more than anything. I absolutely fell in love with Black City and cannot wait to return to that world. I also love Ash and adore Natalie, and I think that they have the sweetest romance ever. So actually, the synopsis of this book makes me nervous. If they separate I think I'll actually cry. They belong together. I love them together.

It just sounds So. Freaking. Amazing. There are going to be so many struggles and there will obviously be more of that intense action that I loved in Black City. It will be fun and awesome. I'm deeply invested in this story, so wherever it takes me there are practically guaranteed tears from me already.

And oh, darlings, look at that cover. I adore it. I love it. It is absolutely beyond gorgeous and so, so dramatic but in a lovely and beautiful way. I love, love, love how the feather turns into fire with the city in the background, and it's a pretty big departure from the first cover while still matching it. It is, in other words, perfection.

So that's why I'm eagerly awaiting this one! I would probably actually kill to get my hands on an ARC. But anyway.

What are you waiting on this Wednesday?
Link me up! :)