Blogoversary Day 7!

Well, darlings, my blogoversary is winding down. There will be one more epic post tomorrow, with an absolutely fabulous giveaway that I just know that you will love. Seriously.

But, well, today is officially the last day of my blogoversary week. Let's take a look at some of my stats since then.

(Actually, since I'm scheduling this post ahead of time, they won't be totally accutate, but they'll be close enough.)

Sparkles and Lightning by the Numbers
83200 pageviews
1194 blog followers
506 email subscribers
312 posts
122 reviews
13779 tweets
1680 twitter followers

You guys, this is unbelievable. I'm actually tearing up right now. You guys are truly fantastic. You are so awesome. I mean, you people make my life. I honestly sometimes have no idea what I would do without y'all. You guys mean so much to me and make all of this worth it. I love you all so, so much.

With all you guys do for me, you know that if you need something all you have to do is ask, right? Well, you do now.

*sniffles* *rubs away happy tears* *blows kisses all around* Love you. xx

Okay, so before I melt into a puddle of mush and rainbows, I guess I should set up today's giveaway, huh? I suppose all of you are looking forward to that!

So, today the giveaway is US and Canada only. Every single other blogoversary giveaway has been international, and tomorrow's awesome giveaway will be international too. But for today, the giveaway is going to be US and Canada only.

So, what I'm giving away is a gift card for Barnes & Noble! I'll be giving away five gift cards of mystery amounts. One is $5, one is $10, one is $15, one is $20, and one is $25. And you won't know how much you got until I send you the card and you go to redeem it!

Of course you can cheat and find out but that is mean. >.<

Anyway, please read my Giveaways page before entering. I would appreciate it very much. Thanks, loves.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Okay, well, good luck, roses! I can't wait for the last day of my blogoversary tomorrow, but then I can hardly believe that it's almost over! It's been an awesome experience and I have you guys to thank.
