1) we get more sunlight. I love bright sunny days
2) my plants bloom and I get beautiful color.
3) we're not weighed down by heavy winter clothing.
ok, so maybe I don't dislike summer TOO much...I just don't like the heat, I like feeling comfortable and being able to breathe, KWIM?
I noticed I chat about scrapbooking and that's about it here. It feels like I'm a one dimensional person...this is sacrilegde but scrapping isn't all there is about me. I don't think I get many readers who notice much anyways....but I just wanted to show another passion of mine. My plants. the babies that DON'T talk back!
my yummy smelling Jasmine (DH made the planter it's in for me for mother's day):

the blooming Hydrangea. the flowers turn a pretty pink color. we were afraid she wasnt going to make it...she was transplanted from the Bronx (My SIL bought her) to my MIL's Garden, when she moved she gave it to us and planted her in our front garden and DH moved her last summer for more room....that's a lot of digging, isnt it?

one of my many Lillies. I LOVE them!

one of my hibiscus trees. I have them out on my front porch.

my pretty black eyed Susan. they're the annual variety :( but those are one of my faves!

more lillies. these pretty ones have spilt out so they greet me as I walk up to my porch :)

I have to share a FUNNY Teeniest Terror made...it was probably the highlight of my day yesterday...and it's still in my mind. Maybe It'll be a topic for something scrappy, who knows?
as we were getting ready for work she comes in and shows me a book on the alphabet. it has pictures of something starting with that letter....so she tells me, "mommy, this book has an "E-wa-phant!" and Icecream, and so forth. So I decided heck, bring the book to the store so I can practice with her and teach her the letters.
SO I start with A. and of course it shows an apple. SO I ask her what the picture is and what sounds does an apple make when you bite into one, the first sound...and finally where do apples come from.
her answer:
The "we- fridgu-lator!!!!" as she hops up and down in her excitement of getting the answer out before her know it all sibs!!!!
that had me LOL a while.