well, I have a nice long list of challenges I'd like to complete...and when weeks like this happens I really wish I was a SAHM again, so that way I had time to get the house clean, cook, and then play with my scrappy stuff instead of going to work, being there from 9-5 and then coming home to do a trillion things at once before bed time....not that I am complaining...I am truly blessed to be able to work with my husband and be able to have my kids with me...it's just that thing of "the grass is greener on the other side" business.
SOOOO I got this number done last night while watching wrestling.
you can click on the link for the whole she-bang

I used this week's color combo. which was challenging for me...LOL. Then I used Deb's august 1st sketch yet again. Can ya tell I LOVED it?