My BIL always leaves DH and I a text in the AMs, sometimes just saying hello and other times being his usual funny self. This AM he left us:
"good morning. Today is Tatoo Thursday. All the mean customers will get a free tatoo with a branding iron."
LOL...gotta love a man with a sense of humor....and yes, he is single!!!! LOL!!!!
Last night was the first time this week I felt remotely motivated to scrap. So scrap I did while fighting a humungo headache. my sweetie pie of a hunk a dunk hubby bought me some yummy coffee which kickstarted my road to feeling better. I LOVE you my sweet hunk!
OK...so here's my LO for fun:
D is for DogThe world's cutest dog....Tyler. Yeah I know I am biased but everyone says it too...so it MUST be so!!

and here is......ME! LOL....this one I made for this week's Ad This sketch....I used last week's color combo cuz Janet was a bit late posting the new one and I was feening (sp?) for a color combo fix! LOL.
I like this one!
lists me at of course the big 3-1. you know...i SOOOOOO don't get why people go crazy when they hit this milestone...I still feel like I am 20!!!!!