in more ways than one. :(
I have been on a dumb streak, it seems. On Sunday (my baby boy's bday) my good friend, Astrid, took Sassy with her. SO I'm home folding laundry and getting ready to hand out piles to each terror. I start calling her. no answer. I wait 10 mins and call her again. No answer.
Wait another 10 more and start to fume. Thinking, what on earth is this girl doing, IGNORING M-E!!!!
then I stop. oh, wait, she's with Astrid!
the kicker:
DH is sitting in the same room as I, listening to me, LOL at me in his mind. and MIL is wondering why I am calling for a child I gave permission to go somewhere....
OK, stop LOL at me. I will only share one slow moment at a time because if I post them all, you'll think I'm an airhead.
SO...since I havent had much stuff to post....yeah...I know. Bummer. I'll share with you what is catching me at this moment:

It's a bit fuzzy, but something of the combination of the look on her face and the softness around it all....think it's scrapworthy?

digging this music.

I think these here are the perfect things for a rainy & dreary day! STill grateful for the black ones Beadee got me. Luv ya, girl!

sweet apple-y scent. this smell really makes me happy. and want a jolly rancher!!! The his version smells good as well. Yep...DH and I do his and hers scents!
seriously...I have been drooling over at Prima.....I wish I were brave enough to apply for their DT call. I'd be in scrappy heaven.
so...this post is a bit random...i really hope to have some layouts to show sometime in the near future. the hubby will be around a lot more...and I hope to take full advantage by scrapping! yay!!!!