Mirror Mirror on the wall....


 I've been looking for a mirror.

We have almost everything we need for our bathroom. Seriously...the hubby decided that we need to re-do it since we're stuck here in this house due to the housing slump.

Don't get me wrong, we Love, LOVE, L-O-V-E our house. We've spent so much moohla on it, brought 2 brand new teenyterrors here from the hospital, we have awesome memories, and some sad ones. It's just that the neighborhood is declining.

Well..since we've decided that we're staying put....DH has saved and waited to buy the things we want on sale. So little by little our house stored the things we want to prettify our sanctuary with.

One thing that we haven't found yet?

A Mirror.

Isn't that like top 5 on a bathroom's most important list?!? What- what???!

So...this is what has caught my eyes and I pinned just so I don't forget where I found it...what do you think?

This one's my fave:

this one doesn't really go but it still caught my eye:

yes, I want something out of the ordinary looking...I want to look at it everyday and marvel in it's beauty...or at least say to myself "I rock for getting something so out of the ordinary!" LOL!!!

Any suggestions as to where I can find more? I'd appreciate it!

you know I couldn't leave without showing you this guy:

what are your obsessions lately?