
Today's the last day of school for my kids. I'm not going to lie: this school year has been really tough on us all. The Teenyterrors have tested us so much when it came to school work and their grades have reflected it. Not too proud of that.

The kids have all made it to a new grade, though. Starting September, I will officially be a mommy to  1st, 4th, 5th, & 7th graders.

We went to Teeniest terrors' K graduation...and all I have to say is Oh My Stars!!!! The amount of cuteness & sassiness displayed as each group performed their 2 songs along with dance. I'm so sure those teachers had their hands full and days full of laughter and some patience testing. I'll be back with pix!

That same day Lexi went with us to also say goodbye to her teacher and classmates. I had tears in my eyes as I saw the joy in everyone's faces as they realized that she was really there!!! She was happy to be able to say goodbye.

leaving you with something to watch/listen to!!!

Have a great weekend!