you take them both and there you have!
The facts of life!
(yeah, I do realize that I am showing my age here a my defense,that show aired while I was still a little girl...but that didn't stop us from watching!)This past Thursday Lexi got the OK to start walking with a cane!
That's the good part. :)
You just don't know how
happy we are right now. Well...truthfully...happy, and
scared! The DR gave her a stern warning about following his directions. He's had patients not listen, fall, and break the pin inside the hip, making for
another totally complicated procedure. We've waited for so long to hear this, and I know how hard it has been for my daughter to totally depend on us
(well, she really enjoyed being pampered by gma and I) for everything and missing out on so many fun things she was going to take a part of. She was starting to get moody, frustrated, and crying these last 2 weeks. It was really hard seeing her like this. Anyways, I'm ready to share some pictures of her...from where it all started:
This is DH and Lexi while we were waiting for her to get prepped for surgery. She was so nervous because she knew that the cool nurse was going to get the stuff to get the IV in. SO leave it to dad to entertain her by getting pix of her....
I think she caught me like this. She kept asking me why I was so worried...and I couldn't answer her, because I was afraid I'd start to cry. I know, bad mommy.
Lex all capped out and ready to go. This girl was a riot during the process it took to do the IV...she was obviously really scared...trying to negotiate her way out of one...BUT when they started it, she kept her eyes glued to what the nurse was doing, asking questions...her daddy tried getting her attention and she shushed him....eek! The Doc allowed her to take her pillow pet into the OR with her. I thought that was sooo nice of him.
Auntie Belinda came for a vist with the awesomely huge monkey for Lex...and daddy trailing behind her with the little brown monkey with a cute bandaid. Just in time...because Lexi was just started feeling disheartened that no one had came to see her.
This is the view from outside her room. See the pretty mountain view?
and this is Lex with her little sisters and her edible of her requests. :D they were so happy to have her back home.
On Thursday we also realized our fridge decided to go Kaput. So not cool...because hello! we're in the middle of a heat wave! Holy stink, batman! As if you couldn't guess it:
That's the BAD part!So...while the kids were in VBS we had to run to look at a replacement. DH fell in love with the idea of getting one of these babies:

we got it at a great price.....but it's on back we're using a teeny tiny fridge in the meantime.
But look: there's paint now....and the woodwork's put up!
That corner wall: there was a huge ugly sewer pipe sticking DH framed it and it looks nice now. you can get a peek at the color...(it's lighter IRL) the woodwork, and the flooring. I am starting to see how it's going to end up! YAY! I can't wait til we can get the bottom paineted, the floor grouted, toilet & vanity installed....still seems like we have so much more to do...but we're getting sooo much closer. Hence that saying: so close but still so far away...