hey peeps!
I am late again in showing off this past week's Ad This challenge. I just finished emailing my last LO as part of the DT...they have a DT call! try out, it's fun work!!!!
i found it challenging and inspiring. That said I can't wait to see who makes it.
so here is my LO

I have to shake my head at the Hubby. I'm going though photos and I TOLD the man not to include me in any photos of my showing a "technique" for the upcoming challenge. BUT does the man LISTEN? NOOOOOOO...lost of cleavage shots I had to delete...MEN!!!! he's going to be in such huge trouble.
just wanted to show you something from my garden!!!!

an oriental poppy. this flower my DH fell in love with on a job. I didn't want it because when i looked it up, it said it was an annual and I like to get bang for my buck and get perennials. :D he got 'em anyways and well...they reseeded and grew wild. LOVE it!!!!

my rose! DH got me a rose bush for mother's day. I have been asking for one since we moved into this house 8 years ago. (almost) he said "oh, we have the kids, they're going to get sliced up by thorns, yadda yadda"
he gave in and wow...this rose smells soooo yummy! Now Nani did try to grab the flower to smell and got a thorn in her finger for her troubles but has learned to come and get me, pick her up, and let her gently get her nose close enough for a whiff.
Now, to convince him to buy more!!!! LOL!!!!!
I'm so sorry I haven't been around much...I just lost all urge to scrap, to chat, just plain be online. :/ So I am not ignoring my beloved friends, gal pals, fellow scrap junkies. I HAVE been on face book a lot more now that I have found some long lost cousins of mine!!! SO if ya have one, add me on. you probably have more of a chance catching me there, for now. until the funk goes away and I am back to my mad scrappy self again.
My mom in law has been in town as well. and staying with us so I've been getting quality time in with her. the kids love having a granny home with them and I imagine that weeks after she's gone we'll be missing her bunches!
Nani has been sick as well. we had to take her to the DR because she was in so much pain.she has an ear infection and a bad cold on top of it. she's doing better today though. as I was bathing her this AM she started singing "I got the pow-er! to take a sho-wer! with soap and wat-er!!!!"