here's my LO for it.
I used this weeks color combo challenge for it too. surprise, surprise.

good morning!
just wanted to show you guys, this is a LO made for JanetB's challenge blog...the latest color combo. again, she chose colors I would never have thought of mixing together, and I absolutely love them! I used all American Crafts PP...the bookshelf line. (I know, it's oldie but a goodie!!!)
the journaling says:
He said:
he's sick of girls, mainly his sisters. But take one look and you'll usually find these 2 in cahoots with each other
she said:
boys drool! You're always tagging along, LOL with him. It totally leads one to think he is your BFF.
I took these photos of my two monkeys last week...just because watching them playing and how well they get a long DESPITE what they say about each other. It just makes me want to smack them both upside the heads when they fight and hug them for being good friends all at the same time!!!!
I really hope they remain good friends like this.
this one has a bit of a story behind it....this photo was taken last year while MIL visited. I realized that I have no photos of my kids with any of their grandmas. SO one sunday I decided to have them take one with hopes to get it scrapped...last year she went through something tough and I thought that "wow, she is handling it really well!!!".
DH told her "mom, I wanna photograph you with the kids so I can send you a picture" what a mistake. cuz #1 that put the pressure on me to get it done....she was ASKING for her darn picture, FCOL!!! and #2.....the LO wasnt for fun was an obligation. granted, she wasn't expecting a LO...just the picture but that was not my intentions in the 1st place. I was worried about my spanish as I put it off until this weekend. notice I journalled in english!!! This was my 1st LO made for someone else...DH doesnt count because he loves me and will never say anything i made for him is horrendously disastrous!!! That was also something that held me back. I *think* she loves it though....I hope so...
this one does double duty for me. nothing like a LO multi-tasking for ya. :D if you know me....I LOVE multi-tasking.
This one I did for Trish's Catnip Thread....I forgot which inspiration inspired it....:O this also uses the colors at color combos galore....I also forgot which combo....but it's pretty and NOT what I would do on my own.
it's been busy at home with family staying with that they're gone and I have NO ONE to blab and blab with I have been productive, scrappywise.
I've missed doing the color combo here is one awesomingly eye popping color combo.
this was a scrappy weekend for me. :)
I found this old photo of my older 3 terrors on Resurrection sunday of '05!!! I decided to scrap it and what the heck, use this yummy Fancy Pants paper I was hoarding...I really didnt know how to use it without messing up it's prettiness...:D