I'm feeling a little frustrated, grateful, a bit tired, & a bit sneaky...see below. :) I am even feeling INSPIRED! Wow, I am feeling many things!
Listening to Group 1 Crew:Outta Space Love...that CD is really upbeat.
wearing jeans, a purple Tee, and my brown leather converse. I love how that color looks on me...and how comfy these sneaks are.
I'm feeling cold. I think I may be catching something...my throat's itchy.
Lunch for me today was a grilled turkey sandwich. I love melted cheddar...should I check to see if I'm a mouse?
drinking more water has been on the agenda today...because of the books I have been reading.
I've been reading the Bible, devo's from 411 God, and the Thyroid Diet. Very informative.
and because that sneaky feeling hasn't gone away:
These are more glimpses of my work with the Purpose kit. I am really excited. My mojo was gone...I thought it was gone forever and I made myself scrap on Sunday...yes...I am now admitting that work that is due shortly was started on this past Sunday. This kit got me going, though. I am done with 4 layouts, thinking of adding a 5th to the mix and the tutorial which is another project I wanna dive into because I am obsessing. Thanks Rachel & Nancy for the inspo!!!
So what's up with you now?
some sneaky peeksies *wink*
Hi :)
how was your weekend? Mine went by too quickly (as usual) and it was really busy! the whole family pitched in with cleaning. Still need to go through summer clothing to give away what doesn't fit and go through the winter/fall clothing so Nani doesn't freeze her booty off at the bus stop. Went to Church, so errands after....including buying a CD that was high on my wish list....YAY! Scrapping topped my day off. I was up until really late and well am paying for it now...but hey...I was SCRAPPING! enough said.
SO HARD TO BELIEVE that we are ending September...and going into a brand new month, brand new kit to show off....but the sneak peek at SFTIO is proof enough that yep...October's just around the corner.
I borrowed the picture...wanna see?
and here I am sharing a sneaky peeky off what I made...:D SHHHHH.....
this kit contains such vibrant and rich colors. the full reveal will be up soon...so keep your eyes peeled!
how was your weekend? Mine went by too quickly (as usual) and it was really busy! the whole family pitched in with cleaning. Still need to go through summer clothing to give away what doesn't fit and go through the winter/fall clothing so Nani doesn't freeze her booty off at the bus stop. Went to Church, so errands after....including buying a CD that was high on my wish list....YAY! Scrapping topped my day off. I was up until really late and well am paying for it now...but hey...I was SCRAPPING! enough said.
SO HARD TO BELIEVE that we are ending September...and going into a brand new month, brand new kit to show off....but the sneak peek at SFTIO is proof enough that yep...October's just around the corner.
I borrowed the picture...wanna see?
and here I am sharing a sneaky peeky off what I made...:D SHHHHH.....
this kit contains such vibrant and rich colors. the full reveal will be up soon...so keep your eyes peeled!
fun, happy & carefree friday.....
I think I'm going to start something here...for every Friday...since that is one of my fave days...to post a video of a "happy" or Joyful song. What do you think? I can think of no other way to start my weekends than with some happy music. :D It's a good idea, right?
I've watched this video on GMC and it always makes me feel all bouncy inside. LOL. (wow, I sounded like my teeniest terror {Nani} just now!) even if Gospel isn't your thang, seeing how happy these well dressed guys are (Luv their outfits, too) is just absolutely CONTAGIOUS.
I think i should share this too:
I feel so alive
Can you tell that I love using my white pen? A LOT!!!! This is a layout created using this month's enlightenment kit. the one that one lucky winner can win from the blog hop that should just be ending.
I took a little bit of the Lyrics from POD's Alive...and added some of my own words in there as well...to me enlightenment was a hard word to use because I kept getting stuck on the buddhist aspect of it. For some reason that song popped in my head and BANG! It made me aware and remember that feeling I get when I remember how I was and where I used to be...and it just makes me feel so awestruck. I can't really explain it too much or very well...but knowing the Lord just inspires me. I am so very appreciative of His tender love and mercy. His LOVE is undeniable.
well, I hope you have a great weekend. Mine is going to be jammed pack full of chores and then some scrappy time. :D YAY....I am just going to sit and scrap. whether I like what comes out of it or not. watch out, now!
I think I'm going to start something here...for every Friday...since that is one of my fave days...to post a video of a "happy" or Joyful song. What do you think? I can think of no other way to start my weekends than with some happy music. :D It's a good idea, right?
I've watched this video on GMC and it always makes me feel all bouncy inside. LOL. (wow, I sounded like my teeniest terror {Nani} just now!) even if Gospel isn't your thang, seeing how happy these well dressed guys are (Luv their outfits, too) is just absolutely CONTAGIOUS.
I think i should share this too:
I feel so alive
Can you tell that I love using my white pen? A LOT!!!! This is a layout created using this month's enlightenment kit. the one that one lucky winner can win from the blog hop that should just be ending.
I took a little bit of the Lyrics from POD's Alive...and added some of my own words in there as well...to me enlightenment was a hard word to use because I kept getting stuck on the buddhist aspect of it. For some reason that song popped in my head and BANG! It made me aware and remember that feeling I get when I remember how I was and where I used to be...and it just makes me feel so awestruck. I can't really explain it too much or very well...but knowing the Lord just inspires me. I am so very appreciative of His tender love and mercy. His LOVE is undeniable.
well, I hope you have a great weekend. Mine is going to be jammed pack full of chores and then some scrappy time. :D YAY....I am just going to sit and scrap. whether I like what comes out of it or not. watch out, now!
Are you HOPPING yet?
Hi everyone!!! :)
Isn't today a beautiful day for a blog hop? you should have come here from Dirty Scraps Blog! If you didn't make sure you go and leave a comment there because the more love you leave, the greater the chances are to win a gorgeous ENLIGHTENMENT Kit from SFTIO!!!! {click on the link for full info on the kit.} SFTIO's kits are always generous, packed with awesome and inspirational products, along with inspiration on the board...full of challenges, quotes, music, etc. Trust me, you want to win one!
Now wanna see what I made with it?
New Appreciation
Isn't today a beautiful day for a blog hop? you should have come here from Dirty Scraps Blog! If you didn't make sure you go and leave a comment there because the more love you leave, the greater the chances are to win a gorgeous ENLIGHTENMENT Kit from SFTIO!!!! {click on the link for full info on the kit.} SFTIO's kits are always generous, packed with awesome and inspirational products, along with inspiration on the board...full of challenges, quotes, music, etc. Trust me, you want to win one!
Now wanna see what I made with it?
New Appreciation
It's a layout all about how much I have learned to appreciate my mom for all she has done. Growing up I resented her a LOT...for a lot of reasons that I now realize wasn't her fault. It was so hard for me to be able to talk to her...and RELATE to her. She had the very hard job of taking care of 3 kids by herself, going back to college, all on public assistance because she lost her very good job right as my parents were getting divorced. She had a LOT on her plate. Now that I am a mommy, I feel bad for not going easier on her and trying harder. It's not like kids come with a manual at birth, you know.
My mommy and I get along and can really talk about anything. We respect the other's opinions and I really value the mommy I was given. I just wished she would just move back to NY already. :(
sorry for the crappy photo...
Now like I said before, make sure to leave a comment as you hop from blog to blog...for greater chances to win. Good luck!
your next stop is with the fabulous Shaina!!!
what have I been doing all this time?
wow. bad, bad, BAD blogger.
SO what has happened since I last blogged?
I haven't been scrapping. that's for sure. The ole MOJO has gone AWOL. If anyone finds it, please send it straight to me. No ransom letters, please.
I got a little box...containing 2 copies of June's Scrapbook Trends. And why on earth would I be happy about getting June's issue in SEPTEMBER? Because of this!
SO what has happened since I last blogged?
I haven't been scrapping. that's for sure. The ole MOJO has gone AWOL. If anyone finds it, please send it straight to me. No ransom letters, please.
I got a little box...containing 2 copies of June's Scrapbook Trends. And why on earth would I be happy about getting June's issue in SEPTEMBER? Because of this!
I'm on page 113, part of the showcase section...with a close up on the page ahead of the butterfly. :) This was using the possibility Kit from SFTIO!!!
I have to mention, I noticed some familiar names and faces...Nancy & Mimi!!! :)
I have been pondering on next month's kit from SFTIO...it's beautiful and I wanna do it justice!
I also have been exercising harder. Yep, the treadmill at home has been my constant companion and getting used.
Also got a new work out DVD,,,,
I have the trouble zones one and I have to say, she kicked my butt!

I have been doing some research as well. I have been taking Thyroid meds for almost 5 years and still not feeling like myself. Going back and forth to the DR and specialists scratching their heads saying there's nothing they can do is unacceptable. I just wanna feel like myself...SO I'm looking to see if there's specific diets to follow that would help me and the No-No foods...which of course happen to be my fave to eat...SIGH.
Maybe if I can feel better then I'll be more motivated to SCRAP. I am going to try tonight after open house. (wish me luck) I am going to try with challenge blogs first, they always got me motivated....and then with projects that need getting done right away.
SO that has been me...in a nut shell. Oh...and getting ready for the season premiers on TV. YAY.
Just wanna say: FRIDAY!
just wanting to share this video with you all...I love this song.
and this layout:
Live & learn
Another layout created using SFTIO's enlightenment kit. This kit has such use of gorgeous colors. That paper had me in such awe...and I knew I wanted to keep it whole for an eye catching layout.
Know this
Know this
I had to pop in quickly (I am way behind at work right now and really shouldn't be online) to show you this layout...another one created with SFTIO's Sept. Enlightenment Kit.
In this layout I am pretty much expressing how much these sisters should appreciate one another and they time they have together now. I sure didn't, and I remember that as a child I was always pushing my little sister away on the school playground because they girls were MY friends. LOL. My sis and I were always together....ALWAYS. Now that isn't the case too much...we both have families, live far away from each other and daily obligations get in the way of visiting...but I miss her very dearly and wish that I could've cherished being her main companion way back then. SO I hope that my little terrors learn to appreciate each other and the time they have together...since they all go to the same school...HEEEHEEE. before it is too late.
Do you like what I did for behind the photo? The kit came with awesome lotus floral stickers...I took the negative and stuck it on my CS, heavily painted it, dried it with a hairdryer...since I don't own a heat gun yet...it cracked a bit...and then took some gold alcohol ink...brushed on some edges...then traced it out with my handy dandy white pen. sounds lengthy. but quick and cute IMO....
How was your labor day weekend?
mine breezed right on by, as usual. The hubby has a new addiction: Paintball. :sigh: he came in with welts on his head, his arms, and his shoulders from getting shot. BUT apparently he rocked at it...and was on high demand to be on teams. LOL. I guess his aggressiveness does come in handy!
Oh...I wanted to mention that I will pick a winner for the RAK I offered (AAM blog hop) soon....I'm sorry for the delay...but things have been CRAZY.
Enlightenment Kit Reveal!
Can you believe that we've just entered the beginning of September?!? The summer has flown by, my kids are starting the new school year tomorrow, and my mom is going back to florida. :(
Over at Scrapbooking from the inside out September is all about enlightenment.
* Bo Bunny Gypsy Gypsy * Bo Bunny Gypsy Curry * Bo Bunny Gypsy Spice * Magenta Gypsy Lilianne * Magenta Gypsy Maile * The Paper Company Mediterranean Summer, Aegean Swirl * The Paper Company Mediterranean Summer Whitewash
5 Sheets Specialty Paper:
* The Paper Company Mediterranean Summer Moroccan Tile * The Paper Company Mediterranean Summer Enchantment * The Paper Company Mediterranean Summer Alahambra * Hambly Screenprints Peacock Feather, Teal Blue on Bronze * Bo Bunny Gypsy Journey Die Cut
*American Crafts Thickers Fabric Salutations, Chestnut * Basic Grey Max and Whiskers, Micro Mono Alpha Stickers * The Paper Company Mediterranean Summer Shaped Jewels, 1 pc * Mark Richards Crystal Stickers Orange, ½ sheet * American Crafts Remarks Dimensional Chipboard, Social Butterfly * Bo Bunny Gypsy Combo Sticker – Alpha, Border and Die Cut * Vintaj Brass Attic Window * The Paper Company Mediterranean Summer Fabric Buttons, 3 pcs * Maya Road Trinket Pendant Beads, Dangling Chandelier, 8 pcs. * Harmonie Pacifique, Orange Ribbon on Chipboard Design * Maya Road Kraft Cards and Envelopes, Library Cards, 2 pcs. * Prima Caravan Desert Sun, 1 pc. * Prima Exotic Gardenia, Malaysia, 2 pcs * Global Solutions Self Adhesive Wax Seals, Sun / white pearl wax / gold ink, 1 pc. * Creative Impressions Crepe Ribbon, Cream, 1 ½ inch, ½ yd.
* Core’dinations Montego Bay * Core’dinations Aquarium * Core’dinations Gemstones Tiger's Eye * American Crafts White Damask
* Elizabeth Craft Lotus Peel Offs and Be Creative Magic Tape, 5.5 x 8.5
* Sakura Gelly Roll, Stardust – Copper Pen
Contents may vary slightly.
to take closer look and more details of the kit, you can see it here
and now....you can see what I have done!
It Ends With Her
Over at Scrapbooking from the inside out September is all about enlightenment.
7 Sheets Double Sided Patterned Paper:
* Bo Bunny Gypsy Gypsy * Bo Bunny Gypsy Curry * Bo Bunny Gypsy Spice * Magenta Gypsy Lilianne * Magenta Gypsy Maile * The Paper Company Mediterranean Summer, Aegean Swirl * The Paper Company Mediterranean Summer Whitewash
5 Sheets Specialty Paper:
* The Paper Company Mediterranean Summer Moroccan Tile * The Paper Company Mediterranean Summer Enchantment * The Paper Company Mediterranean Summer Alahambra * Hambly Screenprints Peacock Feather, Teal Blue on Bronze * Bo Bunny Gypsy Journey Die Cut
*American Crafts Thickers Fabric Salutations, Chestnut * Basic Grey Max and Whiskers, Micro Mono Alpha Stickers * The Paper Company Mediterranean Summer Shaped Jewels, 1 pc * Mark Richards Crystal Stickers Orange, ½ sheet * American Crafts Remarks Dimensional Chipboard, Social Butterfly * Bo Bunny Gypsy Combo Sticker – Alpha, Border and Die Cut * Vintaj Brass Attic Window * The Paper Company Mediterranean Summer Fabric Buttons, 3 pcs * Maya Road Trinket Pendant Beads, Dangling Chandelier, 8 pcs. * Harmonie Pacifique, Orange Ribbon on Chipboard Design * Maya Road Kraft Cards and Envelopes, Library Cards, 2 pcs. * Prima Caravan Desert Sun, 1 pc. * Prima Exotic Gardenia, Malaysia, 2 pcs * Global Solutions Self Adhesive Wax Seals, Sun / white pearl wax / gold ink, 1 pc. * Creative Impressions Crepe Ribbon, Cream, 1 ½ inch, ½ yd.
* Core’dinations Montego Bay * Core’dinations Aquarium * Core’dinations Gemstones Tiger's Eye * American Crafts White Damask
* Elizabeth Craft Lotus Peel Offs and Be Creative Magic Tape, 5.5 x 8.5
* Sakura Gelly Roll, Stardust – Copper Pen
Contents may vary slightly.
to take closer look and more details of the kit, you can see it here
and now....you can see what I have done!
It Ends With Her
The journalling is of course in that adorable library pocket. Yes, I had to scrap about a HUGE realization! Now with my youngest teenyterror entering Kindergarten, (Tomorrow!!!) it is official, I now have no more babies... They're all elementary aged kids and it makes me really sad! I'll be at the store alone without a baby to accompany me....:(
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