Film as dream, film as music. No form of art goes beyond ordinary consciousness as film does, straight to our emotions, deep into the twilight room of the soul. A little twitch in our optic nerve, a shock effect: twenty-four illuminated frames a second, darkness in between, the optic nerve incapable of registering darkness.
Can you watch a movie already in progress, or do you need to see it from the beginning?
I am one of those people who have to watch the movie from the absolute rolling credits! I can't sit down and watch from the middle, or catch the ending. It kills me not to know the who, what, where, and why!
Now this only applies with movies I haven't seen yet. If it's one I loved, it doesn't matter...Ican plop down and watch. LOL!
Now My hubby is the complete opposite! he can start watching from whenever, get into it...and continue watching, carefree. If he likes it, he'll find out when they'll show it again...if he wants the missing pieces...but if he doesn't like it, he's like "eh...'
A movie that I can watch from start to finish? there are a few. I love Rom-Com's, I love true stories. Stuff set in "historical" periods. Dramas & mysteries are cool with me. I just don't like to watch stuff with gore or with excessive explicit language. (We have surround sound...and having to mute the sound so that the kids don't hear kinda takes the fun out of it)
I am notorious for loving chick flicks that make you cry. WHY watch a movie that makes you cry...IDK...that confounds both the hubby and I.
My ideal place to watch a movie? My living room. I close the blinds, draw the curtains, shut the lights off, get some munchies, and we're all set! The best part? That magical pause button that allows me to make a bathroom run and I don't have to miss anything!!!
so far I've seen and thought these were cool: do you watch movies? and which have you liked?
Oh Happy day!!!!
Hello all!!! :D
Today was a great day!!! Went to church with the family, had an awesome service, went to pick up a yummy, had a nice nap with the hubby....
I can't believe we've been married 12 years. Those years have whizzed by...we've been through the ultimate highs and some valley lows...but we've been through them TOGETHER. United. In Love. case you still pop in to read my blog, Babe...I love you. Thanks for 12 wonderful years...and counting!
So what was that Yummy we picked up? It was delish!
I would share...but you guys are all so far away. Guess I'd better do some more walking, huh?
Remember that post in which I wished for this punch?
I got it! yep...along with a stamp set that you will be sure to see in future layouts. Tee hee....Thanks, Babe!
So...for celebrations...what do you have for dessert??? Inquiring minds wanna know!!! :D
Today was a great day!!! Went to church with the family, had an awesome service, went to pick up a yummy, had a nice nap with the hubby....
I can't believe we've been married 12 years. Those years have whizzed by...we've been through the ultimate highs and some valley lows...but we've been through them TOGETHER. United. In Love. case you still pop in to read my blog, Babe...I love you. Thanks for 12 wonderful years...and counting!
So what was that Yummy we picked up? It was delish!
I would share...but you guys are all so far away. Guess I'd better do some more walking, huh?
Remember that post in which I wished for this punch?
I got it! yep...along with a stamp set that you will be sure to see in future layouts. Tee hee....Thanks, Babe!
So...for celebrations...what do you have for dessert??? Inquiring minds wanna know!!! :D
I walk because....
Happy friday!
This is the day I have been waiting for allll week long. LOL. This weekend is going to be busy busy with stuff to do. I have my mom coming to visit us I need to get the house ready...DH is going to attend a fine-arts festival with DS, my wedding anni is on Sunday...wooot woot!
These past couple of days I haven't been feeling all that great...been dizzy, (more than usual, anyways) really lightheaded, and so fatigued. SO I haven't ben able to scrap as much as I had intended to. :( I have some stuff waiting for me at home to be completed. Hopefully I can squeeze in some creative time.
I wanted to show you this:
I walk because....
*created with SFTIO Purpose kit.
when I had this layout in mind I knew I wanted to use a photo of something other than my face. :D I just didn't know what to photograph! It totally came to me when I plopped down on the sofa after a work out, took my sneakers off and put them next to the treadmill....walked away...came back and noticed them...and there went the inspo.
while it looks like a fairly simple layout...this one took me a bit to get together. why? because i typed onto cardstock and wanted to make it just right. Of course, I goofed...but the only evidence of that is behind the green CS, where you can't see it. LOL!!!
why do I walk?
because I want to feel better. as if I have some type of control over what's going on with me. I read about weight loss and hypo thyroids...and I ended up in tears at what I pessimistic, and ready to quit! But you know what? I have an amazing husband who was there for me, to let me know he's here for me no matter what.
The next few days I started my research...and found that I do have a choice. I can work extra hard...and get results. It may not be as quick as everyone else...but I can get there. It helps with my energy level, helps my yeah...I walk. For so many reasons.
ready for a video?
This is by an unsigned band....they're mighty talented. Enjoy!
This is the day I have been waiting for allll week long. LOL. This weekend is going to be busy busy with stuff to do. I have my mom coming to visit us I need to get the house ready...DH is going to attend a fine-arts festival with DS, my wedding anni is on Sunday...wooot woot!
These past couple of days I haven't been feeling all that great...been dizzy, (more than usual, anyways) really lightheaded, and so fatigued. SO I haven't ben able to scrap as much as I had intended to. :( I have some stuff waiting for me at home to be completed. Hopefully I can squeeze in some creative time.
I wanted to show you this:
I walk because....
*created with SFTIO Purpose kit.
when I had this layout in mind I knew I wanted to use a photo of something other than my face. :D I just didn't know what to photograph! It totally came to me when I plopped down on the sofa after a work out, took my sneakers off and put them next to the treadmill....walked away...came back and noticed them...and there went the inspo.
while it looks like a fairly simple layout...this one took me a bit to get together. why? because i typed onto cardstock and wanted to make it just right. Of course, I goofed...but the only evidence of that is behind the green CS, where you can't see it. LOL!!!
why do I walk?
because I want to feel better. as if I have some type of control over what's going on with me. I read about weight loss and hypo thyroids...and I ended up in tears at what I pessimistic, and ready to quit! But you know what? I have an amazing husband who was there for me, to let me know he's here for me no matter what.
The next few days I started my research...and found that I do have a choice. I can work extra hard...and get results. It may not be as quick as everyone else...but I can get there. It helps with my energy level, helps my yeah...I walk. For so many reasons.
ready for a video?
This is by an unsigned band....they're mighty talented. Enjoy!
Annie Blackberry Summer 2011 Range!
I am so excited to introduce to you to my new Summer 2011 Range! Just email me to order at:!

Gorgeous Pale Pink Cabbage Rose with Silver Plate Bail & 90cm Silver Plate Chain - $40
Genuine Antique Monocle on 65cm of leather - limited edition and one-off - $60 - SOLD but can make similar
Nautical Keeper with Gold Plate Feather, Faux Coin and Vintage Brass Soldier - $60

Matte Silver Bows on .925 Sterling Silver hooks - $28

Brass Best Friends Necklace - $38 for both

Small Brass Kissing Friends on 90cm Nickle-free and lead-free chain - $29

Memory Key on Leather - 65cm length - $42

Gorgeous Pale Pink Cabbage Rose with Silver Plate Bail & 90cm Silver Plate Chain - $40

Nothing to brag about....!
Happy Hump day :D
Today brings us another prompt over at AAM. We had to scrap about our proudest moment. This is what I came up with.
Nothing to brag about
I thought long and hard about which way I should go with this challenge. Yes, I have accomplished some things that are worthy to be proud of, I have 4 beautifulterrors children...(a great family) a nice house, etc...
Truth is that I didn't accomplish these things on my own. I have a talented and motivated husband, a loving Father who provides exactly what I need.
On my own, I'm quite ordinary. I'm the wallflower at a get together, easily passed over for things. To me, that's nothing to brag about.
On this layout I used items from a little RAK the DT got from Lucky Girls, it came with a chipboard butterfly, tags, twine, and those push pin stick thingies. For the rest of the layout, I used some goodies my DH has been nice enough to get me in his travels in between work. Chip letters from this months kit at SFTIO.
So, please share, what do YOU have to brag about?
Today brings us another prompt over at AAM. We had to scrap about our proudest moment. This is what I came up with.
Nothing to brag about
I thought long and hard about which way I should go with this challenge. Yes, I have accomplished some things that are worthy to be proud of, I have 4 beautiful
Truth is that I didn't accomplish these things on my own. I have a talented and motivated husband, a loving Father who provides exactly what I need.
On my own, I'm quite ordinary. I'm the wallflower at a get together, easily passed over for things. To me, that's nothing to brag about.
On this layout I used items from a little RAK the DT got from Lucky Girls, it came with a chipboard butterfly, tags, twine, and those push pin stick thingies. For the rest of the layout, I used some goodies my DH has been nice enough to get me in his travels in between work. Chip letters from this months kit at SFTIO.
So, please share, what do YOU have to brag about?
sneaky, sneaky...MONDAY!
Monday just snuck up on me!!! eek!
weekends need just one more day...that's all I ask more.....
I have some sneak peaks on something I worked on yesterday....I totally loved how it came out. you get to see the full reveal over at All About Me on Wednesday....
amazing how many textures i piled up on this...but like I said...full reveal's on wednesday. I know...I'm a tease.
I didn't get to do as much creative work over the weekend as I had planned....:sigh: so disappointed! gotta get to it throughout the week. So maybe the babes may have to cook dinner a night or 2...hee hee hee.
weekends need just one more day...that's all I ask more.....
I have some sneak peaks on something I worked on yesterday....I totally loved how it came out. you get to see the full reveal over at All About Me on Wednesday....
amazing how many textures i piled up on this...but like I said...full reveal's on wednesday. I know...I'm a tease.
I didn't get to do as much creative work over the weekend as I had planned....:sigh: so disappointed! gotta get to it throughout the week. So maybe the babes may have to cook dinner a night or 2...hee hee hee.
things I love, Things I need, things that are convenient
Happy Saturday!
why is it that weekends go flying right by and then the week drags? Hmph. was a busy day...and one that went flying. It was 4PM, the family in the car on the way back home from errands and we're wondering where did the time go?
I wanted to share this photo. It's not the best angle of me, but it's priceless.
This is how we mainly LOL at something inappropriate the hubby said or did....and he trying to act like he's all innocent and did not-a-thing.
I love moments like these. Glad for the camera he gave me...that my daughter seems to be great at using and capturing. :D Luv ya, luv ya.
Today with all the errands...I had the household at work. the dishwasher loaded and washing. the washer doing the laundry, and the dryer doing it's thing, too. Gotta love the little modern convenience. I'm a pretty simple person when it comes to the home...I don't ask for much...but these babies treat momma really good.
OK, I have the matching dryer...but I guess it got shy....and isn't allowing me to post a photo of it here....they're energy efficient, saves water, cleans like magic....I am in LOVE. Makes my job easier. too bad they don't fold and put away....that's the only downfall.
This is a punch I had in my hot little hands..but then put back and now I regret it. :(
I have been obsessed with punches...eek....
How on earth can I convince the hubby that I need this one and a couple of punch around the page sets???
I think I may need to ask teeniest terror how she does her puppy dog eyes again....
Wanna know another thing I am loving? My DVR. It allows me to record the epi's I wanna watch...don't have to be home glued to the TV...can go to bed if I want...and the best part? Can zip by the dumb annoying commercials. Oh...and I can pause the show if I need to get a snack...or bathroom break. Umm...was that TMI? Don't tell me I was the only one crossing her legs on the sofa because I didn't want to miss what happened next...waiting for that commercial???!!!
why is it that weekends go flying right by and then the week drags? Hmph. was a busy day...and one that went flying. It was 4PM, the family in the car on the way back home from errands and we're wondering where did the time go?
I wanted to share this photo. It's not the best angle of me, but it's priceless.
This is how we mainly LOL at something inappropriate the hubby said or did....and he trying to act like he's all innocent and did not-a-thing.
I love moments like these. Glad for the camera he gave me...that my daughter seems to be great at using and capturing. :D Luv ya, luv ya.
Today with all the errands...I had the household at work. the dishwasher loaded and washing. the washer doing the laundry, and the dryer doing it's thing, too. Gotta love the little modern convenience. I'm a pretty simple person when it comes to the home...I don't ask for much...but these babies treat momma really good.
OK, I have the matching dryer...but I guess it got shy....and isn't allowing me to post a photo of it here....they're energy efficient, saves water, cleans like magic....I am in LOVE. Makes my job easier. too bad they don't fold and put away....that's the only downfall.
This is a punch I had in my hot little hands..but then put back and now I regret it. :(
I have been obsessed with punches...eek....
How on earth can I convince the hubby that I need this one and a couple of punch around the page sets???
I think I may need to ask teeniest terror how she does her puppy dog eyes again....
Wanna know another thing I am loving? My DVR. It allows me to record the epi's I wanna watch...don't have to be home glued to the TV...can go to bed if I want...and the best part? Can zip by the dumb annoying commercials. Oh...and I can pause the show if I need to get a snack...or bathroom break. Umm...was that TMI? Don't tell me I was the only one crossing her legs on the sofa because I didn't want to miss what happened next...waiting for that commercial???!!!
Friday brings you yet another giveaway!!!!
check out this other chance for you to win!!!! Nancy & Felecia were both featured, both beautiful layouts!
SO time for me to add another purpose layout here.
See that Bible verse? I believe it with all of my heart. I did some "straying" for a little bit but never totally deviated from what I've been taught. I hope to teach my terrors the same values I was taught so that their life can be spared many mistakes.
I totally love this photo. My baby girl adores her momma, that's for sure!
So are you ready for a vid?
this is such a beautiful song...this video has the lyrics. enjoy.
I plan on scrapping this weekend....most of it. :D, be ready to get ignored. Unless you wanna join me in my office. LOL.
SO time for me to add another purpose layout here.
See that Bible verse? I believe it with all of my heart. I did some "straying" for a little bit but never totally deviated from what I've been taught. I hope to teach my terrors the same values I was taught so that their life can be spared many mistakes.
I totally love this photo. My baby girl adores her momma, that's for sure!
So are you ready for a vid?
this is such a beautiful song...this video has the lyrics. enjoy.
I plan on scrapping this weekend....most of it. :D, be ready to get ignored. Unless you wanna join me in my office. LOL.
still hooked on sweets.
Happy Thursday!
We're still buzzing over at the teenyterrors household! Last night our fabulous friend/adopted family Astrid, this makes you German and honorary Puerto Rican. (LOL) baked a delicious cake for Anaïs. Her cakes are to die for!!! I wish I could attach a slice here for all of you to sample and then promptly die from the heavenly goodness of it. LOL!
she is very modest and said her buttercream flowes/leaves weren't up to par...the nerve, woman!!! LOL! It was delish!
My beautiful terror.
and for laughs....this is Astrid's cutie pie...terror in training. we went to the park over the weekend and everytime he saw me with the camera...he moved, ducked, blinked, reached for it....GRIMACED....I was exhausted when we got back chasing after the kid to get a cutie patootie shot. SO I will show you the shots I DID get...but saving the cute one for his momma...I don't have her permission to post his handsomeness all over blogger.
I may save these photos for a where's Nati type layout...just as a joke. LOL.
my brave daughter got close enough to this to photograph it:
badee, badee, that's all folks!!!!
We're still buzzing over at the teenyterrors household! Last night our fabulous friend/adopted family Astrid, this makes you German and honorary Puerto Rican. (LOL) baked a delicious cake for Anaïs. Her cakes are to die for!!! I wish I could attach a slice here for all of you to sample and then promptly die from the heavenly goodness of it. LOL!
she is very modest and said her buttercream flowes/leaves weren't up to par...the nerve, woman!!! LOL! It was delish!
My beautiful terror.
and for laughs....this is Astrid's cutie pie...terror in training. we went to the park over the weekend and everytime he saw me with the camera...he moved, ducked, blinked, reached for it....GRIMACED....I was exhausted when we got back chasing after the kid to get a cutie patootie shot. SO I will show you the shots I DID get...but saving the cute one for his momma...I don't have her permission to post his handsomeness all over blogger.
I may save these photos for a where's Nati type layout...just as a joke. LOL.
my brave daughter got close enough to this to photograph it:
badee, badee, that's all folks!!!!
A Very Sweet Post
No giveaways today...if you're looking for one...see the post before this one. ;D
Today Is my sweet baby girl's birthday! she turns EIGHT today.
this little girl is very special. yeah, all mommies are supposed to say what makes HER so special?
she's always sharing love. this girl is always hugging, always kissing, snuggling, wanting to help, tries her very best in everything....etc. She doesn't care who you are...if to her, you look like you need a hug....she'll wrap her tiny arms around your waist and squeeze.
yes, she's 8...but she looks like she's 5...LOL...her heart is bigger than her whole entire being.
So at eight, her loves are
she loves PURPLE!
these are her fave sneaks.
and she loves these guys:
Today Is my sweet baby girl's birthday! she turns EIGHT today.
this little girl is very special. yeah, all mommies are supposed to say what makes HER so special?
she's always sharing love. this girl is always hugging, always kissing, snuggling, wanting to help, tries her very best in everything....etc. She doesn't care who you are...if to her, you look like you need a hug....she'll wrap her tiny arms around your waist and squeeze.
yes, she's 8...but she looks like she's 5...LOL...her heart is bigger than her whole entire being.
So at eight, her loves are
she loves PURPLE!
these are her fave sneaks.
and she loves these guys:
Hi all!!! my weekend was good...and I was going to blog about it and random stuff...well, I'll save that post for another day.
Because!!! I just found out that SFTIO is having giveaways!!!! YAY!!! Yes, you can win a gorgeous Purpose kit.
Where???? Here at CRATE
AND yes, there is an AND
Needless to say, it sure is exciting to have our layouts featured on the blogs. :D what an honor!!!
you're still here??? what are you waiting for? go check the manufacturer blogs out and try to win!!!!
Because!!! I just found out that SFTIO is having giveaways!!!! YAY!!! Yes, you can win a gorgeous Purpose kit.
Where???? Here at CRATE
AND yes, there is an AND
Needless to say, it sure is exciting to have our layouts featured on the blogs. :D what an honor!!!
you're still here??? what are you waiting for? go check the manufacturer blogs out and try to win!!!!
It's Friday!!! As if anyone needed any reminding!!! :D
well...what do you have planned? The girls and I plan on staying in for the weekend. The hubby and DS are going away for a youth retreat with the Church. They're all packed and ready to go.
well...I wanted to share some random cuteness.
I think my girls are cute.
I am a bit biased.
sleeping babies to me are VERY cute! Sweet Selah still has our hearts.
Tyler's cute. MOST of the time. When is he NOT cute??? When he's
a) stalking me for my food. This occurs ANY time I eat. oh, and while I am cooking. Heaven forbid I should drop anything.
b) he goes in the bathroom and eats toilet paper. Seems like he prefers his fiber that way.
and how can I sonny boy. he's a cutie, too. Especially since he has to tolerate the "dumb" girls. *eyeroll* he just doesn't know that his sisters are preparing him for the world of girlfriends. He's gonna be an insider. LOL.
well...what do you have planned? The girls and I plan on staying in for the weekend. The hubby and DS are going away for a youth retreat with the Church. They're all packed and ready to go.
well...I wanted to share some random cuteness.
I think my girls are cute.
sleeping babies to me are VERY cute! Sweet Selah still has our hearts.
Tyler's cute. MOST of the time. When is he NOT cute??? When he's
a) stalking me for my food. This occurs ANY time I eat. oh, and while I am cooking. Heaven forbid I should drop anything.
b) he goes in the bathroom and eats toilet paper. Seems like he prefers his fiber that way.
and how can I sonny boy. he's a cutie, too. Especially since he has to tolerate the "dumb" girls. *eyeroll* he just doesn't know that his sisters are preparing him for the world of girlfriends. He's gonna be an insider. LOL.
you know what else is cute?
this video!
the song is adorable...he wrote it to his wife, and the vid is even more so.
well, take care!
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