Hello! Happy HUMP day! get over that hump!!!!
well...so far what have I done?
Yesterday was teeniest terror's 1st day of school. OMG...she was so ready to start!
I took yet another driving lesson. AND the instructor was very pleased with my driving , for some reason. 2 hours later I get a call from his assistant letting me know they booked the road test! WAIT a minute, Mr. D...you got some "splainin to do!!! I see him again on Friday so I will share my anxiety about that when I get a hold of him!!!
Today The hubby felt brave and took me to a parking lot to get a feel of the Jeep. In case you didn't know...we have a Jeep Commander...you know...the one with the huge
Hemi. OMG...I was afraid to tap the gas because that vehicle just flies!!!!
I think I impressed him. He told me he felt pretty comfy with me behind the wheel too.
well. the whole point to this post is to share some LO's. Of course, I start with my rambles...
Today marks the day we share our LO's at AAM. I have to tell you, my fellow DT members blew it outta the park!!! Go and check it all out at the blog!!!
here's mine....

The prompt is: If I live to be 100:
Life doesn't give you any guarantees. One would expect to live a long life but I don't. With the time I do have, I just want to spend showing you and the kids how much I love you. Be it 10, 30, 100 years from now, I just want enough time to see how the kids turn out, even future grand kids.
I went the sappy route. I thought about it and well....I went from the heart. I had this photo of my sexy sweet chocolate. :)
I used a sketch from 52 sketches as well.
I also wanted to share this one made just last night, fresh, right out of the oven!!!
Fashion FWD
my 2 terrors on their 1st day of school...well technically AFTER...since mommy forgot her camera.all about how we went overboard buying them stuff for school...man, did we shop!!! I used this week's color combo over at CCG. I haven't participated in such a long time...:( I love using their combos.
well, thanks for taking a peek!!! Have a blessed day!!!!